Pisces June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. June 02, 2016

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Your intuition is razor sharp. Your ability to sense — and adapt to — a changing environment is part survival skill, part goddess-given gift.

Of course you’re happiest immersed in spirituality. Never posturing — always philosophical, seeking, longing, curious. You’re a natural leader, using questions to guide the way, bringing people to their own understanding. It’s a much more effective style than giving endless directives.

And it’s a fantastic approach to parenting. Your kids already know more about effective communication than the entire house of college bros that just moved in two doors down from me. (That is, of course, unless launching 2AM fireworks three nights in a row is how those dudes communicate respect for their new neighbors.)

Venus will take off for your solar 5th house of lovers, awash in home-loving Cancer so June will be a great time to entertain friends and family. That said, given that you did the planning and the prep, remember to delegate the clean up and make sure the little money-spenders are involved. Show the kids that everyone has a place, and a role, on the team. For instance, your role is boss.

Be the boss.



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