Pisces May 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. April 29, 2016

animation of fishes with caption pisces

If the zodiac was a castle, you’d be the trap door. If the zodiac was a rave, you’d be the ecstasy. If the zodiac was an airplane crash-landing in the water, you’d be that big bouncy house thing that inflates out the door.

Do you feel me? When you’re uncomfortable, you want out. Too bright, too loud, too real. Bye bye. It’s totally cool that you’re looking for the escape hatch a solid 54% of your waking hours (not an actual statistic). It makes all kinds of sense that you sometimes need a way out. You’re an endless supply of love, generously doling out kindness to your kids, partner, friends, co-workers. Just remember to pick an escape hatch that will help keep your head clear, not muddy the waters. So, yoga over RedBull & vodka. Deep breaths over opiates. An actual piece of fruit over the whole bottle of fruity gummy bear vitamins you keep trying to hide from yourself. Choose the good stuff, not the sludge, so you can keep swimming.



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