Too often, I end up quietly ashamed after buying clothes.
It’s not because of negative body issues, or over-spending, or that I took a call on my cell while a perfectly nice clerk was ringing me up and then realized I’ve become my own self-centered nightmare.
These have all happened, but they aren’t the main cause of my shopper’s guilt. The main problem is that I give way too much time and attention to buying clothes.
What I’m buying becomes massive in my head, way out of proportion to its role in my actual life. It crowds out all of the thoughts I need, like the date of my car inspection, and the location of my retainer.
I have dubbed this phenomenon “The Shopping Shame Cycle.”
Here’s how it generally goes:
T-Minus 14 days until I go on a walking-heavy family vacation
- It’s 8 PM and my toddler is asleep, finally.
- I have two hours of consciousness left before I pass out in a puddle of my own drool.
- I can shop for vacation sneakers!