How Texting Killed Spontaneity

by ParentCo.

Technology has doomed the spontaneity of adventure and we’re helping destroy it every time we Google, check-in, and hashtag.

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Facebook Looks to Middle School to Fill Hacker Shortage

by ParentCo.

Becoming a hacker is not a bad thing; it’s a person who finds an innovative way to solve a problem.

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Turns Out Growing Up Weird is Good for Your Career

by ParentCo.

As Vanessa Quigley acquired more younger brothers and sisters, so did her family acquire more and stranger pets.

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An Ode to A Mother’s Purse

by Jessica Graham

Recently, I bought myself a little wristlet. It was a rite of passage akin to first bra or a first kiss. It signaled something.

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Marijuana Use in Pregnancy Is Major Risk for Pre-Term Birth

by ParentCo.

New research finds a direct link between continued marijuana use during pregnancy and pre-term birth.

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That Moment When You Realize Your Parents Are Russian Spies

by ParentCo.

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You'll Probably Relate to These 10 Parenting #ProTips

by ParentCo.

Every time we brought one of our five babies home, no matter how they came to us (two we grew, three we adopted) people wanted to give us advice.

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The Concept of the Biological Clock is More Sexist than Scientific

by ParentCo.

To this day, evidence of exactly how much female fertility declines with age remains hazy.

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Blue is for Girls and Pink is for Boys and Dinosaurs are for Everyone

by ParentCo.

What a person wears isn’t just seen as a reflection of their style and values, but a window into that person’s identity.

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What if Kids Designed the School Curriculum?

by ParentCo.

Teachers need to strike the balance between encouraging independent learning and providing students with guidance.

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Teaching Kids How to Code with Sphero

by ParentCo.

For many kids, the boundary between analog and digital no longer exists.

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10 Must-Visit Museums for Kids in the United States

by ParentCo.

The best part about museums is that they're fun for the whole family. Here’s a list of ten all around the US that everyone can enjoy.

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Things To Consider When Choosing Your Birth Control

by ParentCo.

There is a small risk of turning into a bald, fat, depressed were-woman. Which may result in more tepid advances from your partner.

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Can We Bring a 6-Hour Work Day to America?

by ParentCo.

Research has found that workers who have control over their schedules report lower levels of stress, burnout, and higher job satisfaction.

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It's Late, Why Are You Still Awake?

by ParentCo.

Ensuring that we get sufficient sleep is critical to our health.

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Americans have stopped having babies

by ParentCo.

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How Does the Mother-Daughter Relationship Affect Success?

by ParentCo.

A growing body of psychological research shows that parent-child communication is important for promoting children’s success.

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The Side Effects of Open Adoption

by ParentCo.

What it takes for an Adoptive Family to have an open adoption - written in the style of a drug ad spoof.

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17 Expert Tips for Moms Who Want to Get Started With Running

by ParentCo.

17 tips for moms to get off the couch and ready for your first 5k, 10k, or half-marathon. I promise it gets easier, and soon you will see the rewards!

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What Not to Say to Parents of a Premature Baby

by Rhiannon Giles

A quick search will give you list after list of what not to say to parents of premature babies, but there is one specific at least that I want to discuss.

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Science Journalism Has a Big Problem

by ParentCo.

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Paid Parental Leave is a Good Business Decision

by ParentCo.

The United States is the only country among 37 developed nations that doesn’t offer paid maternity leave.

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new born baby sleeping in mother's hand

10 Signs You Are Breastfeeding In Public

by ParentCo.

Breastfeeding is an everyday activity and the single sign it is happening is that there is one less baby crying due to hunger.

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little boy crying eyes out , holding to father

How I Found Strength to Make It Through a Weaning Nightmare

by ParentCo.

What followed from our first weaning attempt is a nightmare, a toddler who wants to suck incessantly, using me for comfort not sustenance.

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