
Rochelle Wainer

Rochelle Wainer, Ph.D. is a Child Development Expert and leader of Insights and Analytics at Kids2. She and her team are responsible for Global consumer, shopper and market insights. Rochelle is the author of the Baby Einstein learning philosophy, "The Einstein Way." She serves on the ParentCo board and is a contributor to Hello Einstein Studios. Rochelle is a native New Yorker but currently resides in Georgia with her husband and 2 beagles and has 3 boys. She loves sports and spending time with her family. Follow her on Instagram myboysbestfan or @PhDMom247 on Twitter.

By This Author

Inspiration Lessons for New Boy Moms from Diapers to Empty Nest

Lessons for New Boy Moms from Diapers to Empty Nest

If I could offer advice to new moms embarking on the journey I’ve been on, I would tell them to cherish the moments, trust the foundation, and keep talking.