Abraham Lincoln art in red

Parenting Wisdom From U.S. Presidents You Wish Were Running Right Now

by ParentCo.

Whether leading the nation or their families, U.S. Presidents, through both strengths and weakness, can teach a few lessons about being a good parent.

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ceramic bowl

5 Ways Your Family Can Help Hungry Children

by ParentCo.

Hunger in America is a huge problem, with no simple solution. But there are ways kids and adults can help make a real impact in your community and beyond.

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girl hugging a huge tree

4 Important Lessons I Learned Hiking With My 7-Year-Old

by ParentCo.

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little girl eating spagetti

How to Actually Enjoy Dining out With Little Kids

by ParentCo.

A little courage and a plan can turn a seemingly risky venture into an enjoyable experience for everyone (including the couple seated next to you).

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couple working in kitchen

To My Dear Wife: This Is How I Truly Feel About You

by Stephen Bradshaw

Men have been conditioned to play their emotions close to the vest. Well, not today. Today, I"m going to tell you how I feel, my love.

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friendship bracelets hands

Why Childhood Friends Truly Are Friends for Life

by ParentCo.

No matter how much time passes, our oldest friendships shape us into the adults we become and remain a source of steadfast comfort.

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6 Game of Thrones Halloween Costumes for Your Unsuspecting Baby

by ParentCo.

In just a few short years those babies of yours are going to be choosing their own commercialized average costumes. But right now, it's GOT time.

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Person alighting from his car

Next Time You Feel Impatient in the Car Line, Remember This Story

by ParentCo.

Mornings are hard enough as it is. Practice patience. You never know the challenges of those who you wish would move faster.

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How Thinking Like a 10-Year-Old Helped Me Buy a House

by ParentCo.

Breaking the cycle of poverty is no easy task. But looking to our kids for inspiration can give the strength and means to do just that.

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Flaming Gobs of Goo: What My Son’s Campout Taught Me About Fear and Freedom

by ParentCo.

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Start to Finish: Climbing the 46 High Peaks With My Dad

by ParentCo.

Over the course of climbing 46 Adirondack mountains together, a daughter learns to find her way on the trail, and in life, with her dad.

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Dear Mom and Dad: I Was Raped and Couldn't Tell You

by ParentCo.

You parented the best you knew how, but coming to you at the time I needed you most didn't feel like an option.

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How to Be Just Like Hermione Granger

by ParentCo.

One of the greatest young feminists of our time, Hermione Granger, is a terrific role model for our little girls.

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9 Thoughtful Ways to Raise an Entrepreneur

by ParentCo.

April Cornell, founder of the clothing and textiles company of the same name, on how to encourage your future worker to blaze her own trail as an entrepreneur.

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8 Ways You Can Support Kids in Foster Care - and Help End Human Trafficking

by Stephen Bradshaw

Kids in foster care are fighting an uphill battle. We can help beat the odds stacked against them in several ways.

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Breathing Lessons: How My Paralyzed Daughter Taught Me to Stay Afloat

by ParentCo.

A mother recounts the heartbreaking, yet fiercely determined path of her paralyzed daughter.

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What Happens When the Parent is the Picky Eater?

by ParentCo.

It's not always the parent trying to coax the kid into eating more adventurous eating. Some of us are raising tiny incarnations of Anthony Bourdain.

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6 Things You Absolutely Should Not Do in the School Pick-Up Line

by Laura Richards

It's a delicate dance, this school pick up line. We've all got places to be, so for the love of pete, don't muck it up for the rest of us.

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7 Ways My Dogs Are Helping Me Raise Better Humans

by ParentCo.

There are many lessons to be learned from the furry creatures we share our home with- love, kindness, understanding (and cleaning up poop) to name a few.

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What We Learned About Being Poor From Living in a Camper Van

by ParentCo.

It's no instagram-worthy #vanliving trek. But there's a lot to be learned from traveling around in an old, weathered Winebago.

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Being in Your 30s is Pretty Great, Here's Why

by ParentCo.

Even when the previous decade was full of excitement and freedom, most of which is gone now, life in your 30s can still be pretty fantastic.

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Odd Jobs: My Life as a Juggler and Father of Two

by ParentCo.

Jason Tardy, a dad, but also a traveling performing artist who specializes in high energy juggling and self-described "offbeat comedy."

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Rosie Pope on Successfully Managing a Business and a Big Family

by ParentCo.

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All of the Angels Are Home Now

by ParentCo.

9/11. This is the day my child will call his birthday. This day, always and rightfully enshrouded by the collective grief of a whole nation.

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