Boy playing with toy dinosaurs

The Unplugged Powers of the Imagination

by ParentCo.

Imagination is where their dreams lie.

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kids playing baseball

How Baseball Broke a Bad Parenting Pattern

by ParentCo.

I was not only present in this moment for him; I craved it to validate my fatherhood.

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cute sisters with toodler siting on elder sister's lap

Open Letter to My Kids About What Matters Most

by ParentCo.

Never stop. The world needs you.

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Boy sleeping with his teddy bear

Don't Sweat the Blankie, It's Fine

by ParentCo.

It's probably filthy, but that's the only drawback.

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Cartoon character have an idea.

5 Simple, Daily Habits That Will Boost Your Child’s Brain

by ParentCo.

If you want to embrace the power of simple daily habits to benefit your child’s brain development, here’s what you need to do, according to science.

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baby standing on mothers feet

Just Keep Turning at the Corner

by ParentCo.

Lost, then found, then lost again.

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kid playing with guitar

Dads Matter – Why Kids Need Involved Fathers

by ParentCo.

Children are still, in a lot of ways, seen as the mother’s responsibility. That’s a shame. Because dads matter.

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Dear Nordstrom, I Think You're Confused

by ParentCo.

The first image that popped up when I searched the word “maternity” in your search bar threw up some red flags.

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happy kids in red tshirt

Parents of Middle School Girls: Beware of the Pot Stirrer

by ParentCo.

Pot Stirrers. You can find them in various social circles from grade school on up to college and beyond.

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A woman sitting on the road and using laptop 

A Meditation for My Daughter Before a Standardized Test

by ParentCo.

I hope that she will take a moment to read this meditation before she sharpens her number two pencils and fills out her first bubble.

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angry grand mother with rolling pin

Signs Old Age Is Looming

by ParentCo.

Now that I’m cruising up to forty, the following things have a permanent seat at my dinner table.

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Surprised baby is lying on his mother's chest

Why I Didn't Strike on International Women's Day

by ParentCo.

Who would be most affected by me striking on International Women's Day? The people I can't let down, no matter what.

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young girls doing somersaults

5 Ways We Are Inadvertently Discouraging Authenticity in Our Girls

by ParentCo.

What are we missing in helping to guide our girls towards living authentically and comfortably in their own skin?

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Wife Watching Husband Sleeping on sofa

Relationship Goals From a Real Wife Living the Real Life

by ParentCo.

No one wants to crash and burn, right? Here are some relationship goals from a real wife living the real life.

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baby  sleeping on mother's  shoulders

Is Burping a Baby More Habit Than Help?

by ParentCo.

What do parenting manuals have to say about the practice? And whom does burping benefit more: the baby, or its caregivers?

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young boy sitting on the stairs in a closed position with his head down is feeling stressed

The Science Behind Time-Out: 7 Tips to Make it Work

by Sanya Pelini

Time-out is a highly effective behavior modification tool if used appropriately, and there’s plenty of research to back that up.

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Young woman sitting on a bench in the park and reading book

Books Every Teenage Girl Should Read Before They Turn 18

by ParentCo.

Regardless of gender, religion, or politics, every teen should read these books before making their way out into the world.

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sad young girl looking at her mother's finger

Why Harsh Parenting Can Put Kids On The Wrong Track

by ParentCo.

A new study shows overly aggressive, harsh parenting can make kids more susceptible to peer pressure, and ultimately more likely to drop out of school.

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Little girl lying on the grass and eating chocolate

When the Cookie Crumbles, Is It Okay to Eat It Off the Floor?

by Rebecca Lang

The five-second rule is the idea that food which has fallen on the ground is still safe to eat if it's picked up within five seconds of dropping. Allegedly.

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young kid hugging kindergarden teacher

How to be an Effective Parent Volunteer

by ParentCo.

There are many ways to stay active in your kid's education from kindergarten through high school that will not only benefit them, but you as well.

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family sleeping on the comfortable bed

All That Shaving and Other Reasons Date Night is Overrated

by ParentCo.

There’s so much ugh in date night that it begs the questions of whether or not it’s both worth it, and if it’s doing more harm than good.

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kids eating spaghetti looking at the mirror

How to Answer Important Questions When You Have More Than One Child

by ParentCo.

Note: These answers will not actually satisfy your children. There will be tears, objections, and general displeasure.

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a young boy looking at his reflections

Raising Sons in an Era of Toxic Masculinity

by ParentCo.

How do we unpack the baggage that our society forces us to carry about boys and men – and what the hell is masculinity anyhow?

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exhausted father holing new born baby

So, You Want to Have Kids: A One-Sided Story of Preparing for Parenthood

by ParentCo.

Before you wander into lifelong parenthoodery, here are some things to consider (that maybe you’ve been told, maybe you haven’t).

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