A girl reading a book

How to Encourage Responsibility, Time Management, and Learning Without Homework

by ParentCo.

Six simple ways for parents to reinforce academic skills, foster good work habits, and teach responsibility at home without homework.

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image of cute little baby boy screaming

Curb Tantrums with the Power of Visualization

by Zaeli Kane

The only thing young kids can do better than throw a fit is get lost in their imagination. This can work to your advantage if you know how to play it.

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Top 10 Posts of 2016: #4 31 Things Your Kids Should Be Doing Instead of Homework

by Jessica Smock

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number five in light blue color

Top 10 Posts of 2016: #5 The Free Time My Husband Doesn’t Realize He Has

by ParentCo.

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two boys watching horror movie

How to Handle the Violent Videos at Your Kid's Fingertips

by ParentCo.

On the internet, we're never more than a click away from things that can't be unseen. How can we manage the real-life violent images on our kid's devices?

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little girl applying lipstick on her father

The Extraordinary Bond Between a Father and His Daughter

by Stephen Bradshaw

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A person sleeping in a bed beside an alarm clock

Let Them Sleep: Why High Schools Should Start Later

by ParentCo.

Teens often experience a natural shift in their sleep patterns. This shift toward staying awake later is at odds with most school start times.

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mother holding baby resting on shoulder

New Moms: Here Are 5 Ways Biology is Totally on Your Side

by ParentCo.

Becoming a mother is overwhelming, exhausting, and full of unknowns. But rest assured biology knows what it's doing.

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How to Tell Your Kids You're Getting a Divorce

by Angela Pruess

There is no good time to tell your child that what they know of their family life will be changing forever. But there are ways to make it easier.

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Top 10 Posts of 2016: #6 19 Things I Hope I’ve Taught My Daughter Before Her 18th Birthday

by ParentCo.

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Top 10 Posts of 2016: #7 Dear Husband: I'm Not the Person You Married

by ParentCo.

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blur image of a sad woman

The Hazy Days of the Baby Blues

by Rebecca Lang

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The End of Oz book cover

Most Anticipated Teen/Young Adult Books of 2017 (Winter/Spring Edition)

by ParentCo.

From series sequels to favorite authors and stand-alone novels, 2017 is shaping up to be a reading odyssey for maturing minds.

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Don't Pump and Dump: A PSA for Breastfeeding Moms Who Enjoy a Few Drinks

Don't Pump and Dump: A PSA for Breastfeeding Moms Who Enjoy a Few Drinks

by ParentCo.

The real question to answer is not should women pump and dump, it's why do women believe they should?

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mother carring her children sitting in shopping trolley

5 Compassionate Phrases to Help a Mom in Need (And We're All in Need)

by ParentCo.

Recognizing another mother's average, everyday struggle and stepping in to help is often a simple gesture with the biggest impact.

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A Letter to My Self-Esteem on the Day My Pee-Proof Undies Came in the Mail

by ParentCo.

Hey, Self Esteem! You and I will be having the last (dry) laugh when we finally admit there's a problem and make the proper investment in undergarments.

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number eight filled with blue bubbles

Top 10 Posts of 2016: #8 How to Strengthen Your Child's Emotional Intelligence

by ParentCo.

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number nine in coral color covered with blue dots

Top 10 Posts of 2016: #9 World Schooling is the New Home Schooling

by ParentCo.

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vest icons in cartoon, black style

In Defense of My Mom Vest

by ParentCo.

It may have "mom fashion" written all over it, but my mom vest is just the garment I need these days.

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Most Anticipated Middle-Grade Books of 2017 (Winter/Spring Edition)

by ParentCo.

Sci-fi, mystery, humor, or stories based on real world experiences, these are some of the most anticipated books of early 2017 for middle-grade readers.

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young girl looking at their mother who is cutting vegetables in the kitchen

The Crock-Pot and the Promise of Having It All

by ParentCo.

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Robot toys arranged in a sequence

How My Kids Are Helping Me Conquer Mild OCD – And Why I Have to Let It Happen

by Jill Kiedaisch

Basically, as a parent, you have to let go of organization as you knew it. It’s all an illusion anyway.

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a young angry girl

Here's the Recipe For Preventing Witching Hour Meltdowns

by Carrie Howe

The hour between coming home and getting dinner on the table can be a nightmare for a lot of families. But it doesn't have to be.

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young boy riding biycle

What Happened When I Stopped Praising My Child

by ParentCo.

Turning off the "good job!" autopilot in favor of interacting with our kids in a more mindful way has benefits for everyone.

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