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When Your Spouse Travels for Work: A Supermom Survival Kit

Taking on the role of solo parent while your spouse is out of town is not always easy, but there are a few things you can do to ease the burden.

Parenthood Baby feet

The Theory of Rela-triplety

Yes, fine. They're three times the work, and three times the cuteness, but what else triples with triplets?

Wellbeing shirtless boy

8 Research-Backed Ways Parents Can Fight Childhood Obesity

According to the CDC, we are in the midst of a childhood obesity crisis. However, there are plenty of things that parents can do to help turn it around.

Parenthood effiel tower

Rejected by My Teen in the City of Lights

As parents, we can share what we love and what we’ve learned, but our children are free to accept or decline our offerings.

Pregnancy Stairs and a plant in a white room

The Struggle: Cravings Meet The Third Trimester Belly

Oh, the struggle of that third trimester belly. So full, so round, so in the way. Trying to sleep? Ha! Baby’s ready to party. Trying to climb stairs? Cool. You’ll need a break halfway up. Trying...

Parenthood Drawing of frogs eating cookies

These Feet: A Letter to My Growing Child

My dear, sweet, stunning little girl, As we lay here, snuggled up tight in our bedtime routine, I watch you slowly drift off to sleep. I watch as your muscles – the ones that let you be the strong...

Parenthood Pregnant lady doing yoga

8 Books For Children That Every Adult Should Read

Great children’s literature captures the wisdom of human truth in a manner so simple, even grown-ups can understand.

Parenthood eyes of a woman

Mom, Stop Trashing My Appearance – It’s Bad for the Grandkids

I don't want to make criticism and cutting comments about appearance a family tradition.

Wellbeing capsules and coffee beans

Debate Club: ADHD - To Medicate or Caffeinate?

  Prescribed ADHD Medications Help Children by Cheryl Maguire At first I was skeptical. Could prescribed medication really help children diagnosed with ADHD? I became convinced after several years ...

Parenthood playing ice hockey

What Happens When Our Kids Turn Out Not to Be Star Athletes?

It's important to remember the ultimate purpose of playing sports- the social and mental development.

Parenthood Women with New born child in her arms

Sometimes Motherhood is Keeping on When You Want to Run

The early days of motherhood aren't guaranteed to be awash in bliss and contentedness. But it doesn't mean you're doing it wrong.

Parenthood father and a baby sleeping on  bed

My Husband Gets Too Much Credit for Being a Good Dad

For the benefit of all of our families, it’s time we come to see involved and engaged dads as an expectation, not an exception.

Parenthood toddler crying

4 Things I've Recently Done That Reminded Me How Hard It Is to Be a Toddler

Once you're a (mostly) rational adult, it's easy to look at the rantings of a toddler and write them off as ridiculous. But the struggle is real.

Parenthood Big Fox and Little Girl animation

The Dark, Unsettling Irony of Lullabies

The origins of most lullabies are more likely to cause nightmares than sweetly usher little ones off to dreamland.

Parenthood painting image

4 Things You Can Do to Support Your Sensory Sensitive Child

SPD is "a condition that exists when sensory signals don't get organized into appropriate responses.” These everyday activities can help kids manage.

Parenthood blue shirt and pink skirt image illustration

How to Raise a World-Changing Leader

It's not easy raising a rebel. But when those same traits carry into adulthood, you get people who can make a big difference in the world.

Wellbeing Womb of a pregnant lady

Global Competition Less Security for The Consumer- Be Aware

Chinese factories are churning out hackable hardware, and no one is doing a thing to stop them. In the aftermath of the attack, one company in particular has been implicated: Hangzhou Xiongmai Tec...

Pregnancy Infant sleeping with a man

How Hypnobirthing Can Prepare You for Labor, and Life

Hypnobirthing is helping me prepare for the birth of my first child. With any luck, the techniques that have guided my pregnancy will guide labor as well.

Wellbeing girl covered in paint lying on splattered paint background

How To Improve Your Child’s Mood With Colors

By considering the lessons of artists, interior decorators, and advertisers how can we as parents use the science of color to guide our children’s mood?

Inspiration Excited young boy with birthday cake

Not Every Moment Needs to Be Remembered With a Photo

Just because we have a camera in our pocket all the time, it doesn't mean taking photos should take precedence over living in the moment.

Inspiration two beautiful women's standing at wall and looking at camera

7 Things I Learned About Raising Kids From Watching the "Gilmore Girls"

It’s just a show but I'm not above taking parenting tips wherever and whenever I can get them. And I picked up a lot from Lorelai Gilmore.

Parenthood toddler holding new born baby

The Third Child Conundrum: Inviting More Mess, Chaos, and Love

Two kids. Two Parents. Two Arms. Seems best. But sometimes it's hard not to wonder what adding one more to the family would be like.

Parenthood father and son in bed

As You Don't Like It: A Bedtime Play in at Least 6 Acts

Look, I’m not a strong person. I once googled, “Can a parent be traumatized by their baby?” and Google just glared at me. Anyway, my son still isn’t asleep.

Wellbeing Halloween pumpkin on the road

Are Black Cats Really Bad Luck?

Today I found out the origin of superstitions surrounding black cats including why a black cat crossing your path is considered bad luck. ...In fact, in early Egyptian times, dating back as far as...