How to Survive a Nightmare Postpartum Trainwreck

by Katherine Clover

The weeks after childbirth can be some of the most difficult you'll ever experience. Here are some suggestions to help you make it through.

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reusable cloth diapers

10 Simple Reasons You Really Need to Try Cloth Diapers

by ParentCo.

If you're intimidated or overwhelmed by the thought of cloth diapering, don't be! It's easier than you think.

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How to Raise Good Money Managers

by Kimberly Yavorski

Even if you don't totally rock managing your finances, there's no reason you can't raise kids who do. Using these guidelines you can set them up to prosper.

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Your Kid's Not a Bookworm? Here's What You Need to Know

by ParentCo.

We all know reading has lifelong benefits. But what can you do when your kid just doesn't enjoy sticking their nose in a book?

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A Lazy Parent's Guide to Crappy Bedtime Stories

by Julie Vick

It's late. You're tired. Your Netflix queue is overflowing. These stories can wrap up the bedtime routine in 15 seconds or less.

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WE Movement Co-Founder Craig Kielburger Can Help You Raise Service-Oriented Kids

by ParentCo.

An interview with Craig Kielburger about the ways his organization, WE Movement, is helping kids experience the life-changing power of giving back.

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Out Here in the Wild: An Ode to Mothering Boys

by ParentCo.

Dreams of mothering a little girl shift to the reality of mothering a perfectly wild and wonderful little boy.

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I Need You to Know Something Before You Go to College...

by ParentCo.

Letting our kids go may be the intent of raising them well, but it doesn't make it any easier. One dad offers his son words of wisdom.

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Dear Teens: Here's How Not to Behave at a Sleepover

by ParentCo.

Teens don't always exercise their best judgement. And if they pull these antics when they're guests in someone else's home, they won't be invited back.

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3 Meals A Day? NO Try Doing This

by ParentCo.

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Post Brexit Vote Consumer Confidence High in The UK

by ParentCo.

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Kid Made Recipe: Crunchy Market Salad

by ParentCo.

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Why I Stopped a Cycle of Family Shame About Hearing Loss

by ParentCo.

Unlike my father, I stopped hiding my hearing loss for my children. I thank them for forcing me to embrace myself as I am.

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Make Up and Move On: Teaching Kids How to Forgive

by ParentCo.

Accepting apologies and moving on isn't always the easiest thing to do. But with help, kids can develop a moral reasoning that will serve them well.

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Live and Parent Based on These 3 Simple Principles

by ParentCo.

Three things are more important that anything else in parenting and in life – being present, being positive, and being me.

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The Surprising Benefit of Co-Sleeping: A Better Sex Life

by ParentCo.

A co-sleeping arrangement does not have to be the end of exciting times. In many ways, the constraints can be the beginning of something even better.

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New Apple iPhone Update a Must-Here is Why

by ParentCo.

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Uncharted Roads for New Peace Deal by Columbian Government and Farc

by ParentCo.

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Omran Daqneesh Reminds Us No One Should Ever Feel Such Pain

by ParentCo.

When tragedy becomes commonplace, we begin to believe that in some communities, heartbreak and pain are status quo.

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Why I Won't Force My Baby to Have Just One Last Bite

by Zainab Kizilbash

With the intention of raising kids who have a healthy relationship with food, it may be in their best interest not to force that last bite.

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8 Real Reasons I Can’t Go Out With You This Weekend (Instead of the Lies I Usually Tell)

by ParentCo.

I'm sorry. I lied. My kids aren't sick. I'm just getting sucker punched by this parenting thing can't get it together to go out.

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After 5 Miscarriages, A Letter to My Only Child on Her First Birthday

by ParentCo.

After much heartbreak, it's still hard to believe we're lucky enough to have you- our perfect baby who's growing up so fast.

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Decide Which Kid You Like Better In 10 Easy Questions

by Mandy Waysman

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How to Understand and Support Your Worried Child

by Sherianna Boyle

Worry can be all encompassing and completely debilitating. Helping kids learn to manage it can give them a healthy skill that lasts a lifetime.

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