Bio-chip Helps Identify Your Risk For Alzheimer's disease

by ParentCo.

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Want to Fly To Work? How About Flying Your Cow Drone

by ParentCo.

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A Huge Harry Potter Fan Looks For Something Different

by ParentCo.

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Breastfeeding Without Nursing: What It's Like to Be An Exclusive Pumper

by ParentCo.

When I pictured breastfeeding, it didn't involve an exclusive relationship with a heap of plastic and a motor.

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The Heartbreaking Reality of Being a Stepparent

by Mark Oliver

Despite showing up day after day to love a child as your own, step-parents are often seen as less than, replaceable, and impermanent.

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Absolutely True Excuses Why We Are Late or Aren’t Showing Up at All

by ParentCo.

We'd rather be on time. But it's not happening.

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Life Saving Ways to Save Energy as a Special Needs Parent

by Angela Pruess

Caring for your special needs child means making sure you're caring for yourself.

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Learning From The Son Who Would Not Speak

by ParentCo.

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In An Emergency Roth IRA is an Option- Here is how

by ParentCo.

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Want to Slow Effects of Aging, Intense Endurance Exercise

by ParentCo.

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By Making People Vote Would More People Get Involved

by ParentCo.

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mother and son

You Should Take Your Kids to the Opera: Here's How to Do It

by ParentCo.

It may not be the first arts and culture activity you think of doing with your kids, but an afternoon at the opera is absolutely doable.

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Why I'm Happiest When I'm Leaning Out

by ParentCo.

Sometimes it takes some starts, stops, and rearrangements to find the balance of work and motherhood.

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8 Ways "Dumb and Dumber" Prepared Me to Be a Parent

by ParentCo.

Who knew these parenting tips from Lloyd and Harry were there all along?

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Your Summer Challenge, Be Like The Sun-Here's How

by ParentCo.

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Reasons Your Pets Should Not Match a Pokemon

by ParentCo.

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How to Jump Out of A Plane With No Parashute

by ParentCo.

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How Teens Are Hiding Their Online Lives- Ghost Apps

by ParentCo.

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The Day I Broke My Daughter

by ParentCo.

Accidentally hurting our kids is the worst feeling ever.

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What You Need to Know About Common Core Reading Standards

by Amy Walter

More than just reading words, the common core reading standards focus on reading comprehension. Here are some ways to support your child's learning.

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happy young baby boy in high chair

Why I Weaned My Toddler Cold-Turkey

by ParentCo.

When we're ready to call it quits on breastfeeding our babies-turned-toddlers, it's sometimes best to close up shop and never look back.

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4 Research-Backed Benefits of Outdoor Play

by ParentCo.

From improvements in health to a richer, more full childhood experience, there are researched backed reasons for getting our kids outdoors.

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6 Parenting Choices You Can't Make Me Apologize For

by ParentCo.

Here's the thing about being a perfect parent- it's never going to happen. We have to pick and choose our battles.

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3 Helpful Tips For Parenting Kids With Opposite Temperaments

by ParentCo.

I know my children are different ages and don't share the same level of expression. Parenting their differences is a challenge, there are tricks.

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