Is Sugar as Toxic for Baby's Mind as Abuse?

by ParentCo.

The impact of sugar consumption on baby's brain development could be on par with exposure to extreme stress and abuse.

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Homemaker Hacks for the Cleaning Impaired

by Carrie Howe

I hate cleaning. There, I said it. But I also love organization. Here are homemaking hacks for the cleaning impaired (like me).

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7 Ways Good Mom Friends Are Like Sports Coaches

by ParentCo.

Lately I started to notice similarities between the moms I love and my favorite high school coaches.

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Which Grammy Nominated Songs Do You Actually Understand? Take This Quiz!

by ParentCo.

We clearly don't understand the meaning behind these Grammy nominated songs. But hey, maybe you do! Take our quiz!

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Study: Raising a Kid Harder on Your Immune System Than Severe Stomach Flu

by ParentCo.

Parenting is one of the most severe environmental challenges anyone puts themselves through. It even radically rewires the immune system.

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New Research from Sweden: Infants Should Sleep in Their Own Bed to Reduce Risk of SIDS

by ParentCo.

Sudden infant death syndrome is among the scariest things new parents fear. New research finds that infants should sleep in their own beds to reduce risks.

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7 Reasons Why this Alaskan Man Dancing to Alicia Keys is How to Win Life

by ParentCo.

To win at life, you gotta dance like no one's watching. Or, like everyone's watching.

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Children Need Space For Creativity

by ParentCo.

Our kids don’t need expensive toys or an abundance of extracurricular activities. They need to explore their interests through play and creativity.

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The New Parent’s Guide to Getting the Most out of Date Night

by ParentCo.

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT start a date night without having a plan beforehand. “What do you feel like doing tonight?” is not part of the new parent’s date night vocabulary.

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How My Daughter Taught Me to Just Show Up

by ParentCo.

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5th Grade Girls Take Ferdinand Magellan to Court

by ParentCo.

The 5th grade students of Girls Prep Bronx Charter School spent a day in court trying European explorer Ferdinand Magellan for his crimes.

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Today's Teens Are Better People Than the Rest of Us

by ParentCo.

Analysis of the CDC's Youth Risk Behavior Survey shows that teens today are making better decisions than the rest of us ever did.

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What My Son Won't Remember But I Always Will

by Julia Pelly

It was weekend that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. My son though? The one who made it so memorable for me? He won’t remember a thing.

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Early Foods Impact Baby's Healthy Gut

by ParentCo.

What we feed our babies -- and not maternal obesity -- is the most signifiant factor is establishing baby's healthy gut microbiota.

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9 Year Old's Video Hijacked, Can't Be Taken Offline

by ParentCo.

A 9yo made a video of herself twerking with friends, copying what they'd seen in music videos online. The video was hacked, and the content exploited.

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Research: Does Cranberry Juice Treat a UTI?

by ParentCo.

The kind of cranberry juice you buy in a grocery store isn't effective for treating a UTI, unless you drink 28 glasses of it.

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New BB-8 is Bigger and Smarter

by ParentCo.

The new BB-8 from Spin Master is bigger, smarter, and follows you around.

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Can You See A Color if You Don't Know Its Name? Ask a Baby.

by ParentCo.

A new study shows that infants aged between 5 and 7 months categorize colors, even before they can use language.

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"Ferris Bueller’s Day Off" Turns 30! 17 Things You Didn’t Know About this Iconic 80s Film

by ParentCo.

“Bueller? Bueller?” Ready to fall in love all over again with Ferris Bueller’s Day Off? Check out these fun facts about the film on its 30th birthday.

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How Finding My Tribe Helped My Battle With Postpartum Anxiety

by ParentCo.

In finding my “tribe”, the weight on my shoulders became lighter. I wasn’t alone. In fact, I never was. I needed to get out there to find that out for myself. I am so glad that I did. I hope every mom does too.

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New Harry Potter Book Drops This Summer

by ParentCo.


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Penguin Siblings Meet Each Other for First Time

by ParentCo.

Dallas Zoo has two new flightless birds in residence and the cuteness factor is over the top.

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Why Conversations With Your Preschooler Are More Important Than Preschool

by ParentCo.

There really are few things more entertaining than a chat with a 4 year old. Yet, hilarity aside, there's actually scientific evidence that suggests volleying conversation back and forth with young kids lays a foundation for later successes.

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UCLA's Sophina DeJesus Slays Crowd with Hip-Hop Floor Routine

by ParentCo.

Sophina DeJesus whipped and nae-nae'd her way through a bumpin' 9.925 floor routine, bringing hip hop to gymnastics and the crowd to its feet.

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