Is It Better For Tweens When We Let Them Fail?

by ParentCo.

The tween years are some of the most important in our lives. But parenting tweens often feels like an impossible task. We searched for some answers.

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You Should Avoid Using Teflon Around Kids, Because Science

by ParentCo.

Exposure to a toxic chemical used in Teflon until 2015 is linked to several cancers, diseases and negative health outcomes. An updated look at the data.

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How I Answered My Daughter When She Asked About God

by ParentCo.

"Mama? Who is God?" Our almost five-year-old daughter and oldest child asked my partner and me this question at dinner the other night.“Where does he live?”

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You Deserve The Truth About A Friends Reunion

by ParentCo.

Does the phrase "WE WERE ON A BREAK!" mean anything to you? Do you call your soul mate your "lobster?" Don't get too hyped about this announcement yet.

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New Study Shows That People in Their 40s Are Happiest

by ParentCo.

New research published in Developmental Psychology suggests that people are happier in their early 40s (midlife) than they were at age 18.

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Study Shows How Memory is Critical to Pre-Schooler's Long-Term Success

by ParentCo.

Preschoolers who score lower on a memory task are likely to score higher on a dropout risk scale at the age of 12.

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How My Shopping Habits Changed When I Became a Mom

by ParentCo.

I used to go to Target, sure, but when I became a mom they let me start paying rent there.

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Better Water Resolutions for the Whole Family

by ParentCo.

Everything you need to know to conserve water at home, break your bottled water habit, reduce waste, and get much better water in your home.

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The Climate Change Talk

by ParentCo.

“Well, honey, there’s this thing called global warming caused by human activity and it’s hurting the earth. Here, have a ginger snap.”

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Hey Dads, We Need to Talk About the Length of Your Poop Breaks

by ParentCo.

This is the real break that’s dividing the nation and frustrating mothers globally – and we need to talk about it.

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Circle With Disney Removes Stress Over Screen Time and Kids

by ParentCo.

Circle is a powerful new tool for protecting kids from the worst of the internet, while taking parents out of the daily battle over screen time.

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Paying Someone Else to Clean the Bathroom (And Other Confessions)

by ParentCo.

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How to Help Your Kid Survive the Wild... Indoors (A Minecraft Story)

by ParentCo.

Minecraft as my son plays it is the wild west. It's a melting pot and playground rolled into one. The incredible developmental social aspects fascinate me.

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No One More Excited About Lego's New 1960s Batcave Set Than Boy Wonder

by ParentCo.

Lego reveals retro Batcave set will be released in March to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the classic Batman TV series. Update: it's AWESOME.

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iOS 9.3 Will Make It Easier to Read in Bed - And Still Fall Asleep

by ParentCo.

We're looking forward to the free iOS 9.3 update for iPhone and iPad. Our favorite feature is Night Shift, which shifts colors in the display at night.

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Computer Tests Widen Writing Achievement Gap for Low-Income Kids

by ParentCo.

The Department of Education wants to move students to computerized tests, but low-income kids don't get much practice typing on a computer.

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Guilty of Sharenting? You're Not Alone

by ParentCo.

Research shows how frequently new parents post to social media - and why.

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Your Toddler's Weight Might Be Affected By Their Exposure to Artificial Light 

by ParentCo.

Light exposure plays a role in the weight of preschool children, a world-first study reveals.

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Study Shows That Women With More Kids Might Live Longer. (What?)

by ParentCo.

If you're a woman who wants to age more slowly, this study says you simply need to have more kids. Easy, right?

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Ashima Shiraishi: Rock-climbing Girl Wonder

by ParentCo.

Ashima Shiraishi is rocking the world. Of rockclimbing, that is. The New York native is widely regarded as the best female climber in the world. And she's only 14.

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Thank You David Bowie: A Playlist for You & Your Kids

by ParentCo.

A playlist for all your David Bowie tribute needs.

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These Secret Netflix Codes Unlock a Better Family Movie Night

by ParentCo.

Netflix has been holding out on us, you guys. Here are the secret codes you need to find cinematic gems for your next Netflix and Chil(dren) session.

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Read These Books Before They're Movies!

by ParentCo.

These books are headed for Hollywood, read them before you don't!

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Is It Useful for Parents to Monitor Their Teenagers Online?

by ParentCo.

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