Lolipop candy

Three Lollies | Preggie Pops

by ParentCo.

If you’re experiencing nausea, pregnant or not, it’s time to give these pops/drops a try.

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A child looking at artifacts in the museum

5 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Raise a Motivated Learner

by ParentCo.

One of the biggest frustrations parents face is getting their kids motivated to learn. Learning new skills can be frustrating. But there are strategies.

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Childrens using laptop and father is watching

What Happened When I Shut off All Electronics for a Day (You'll Be Surprised)

by ParentCo.

Electronic devices had finally taken over my family, and not only was I irritated, I was concerned.

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Hand shaking

If You Really Want Your Kid to Get Ahead, Teach Them This

by Pam Moore

Research shows that an initial handshake is a strong predictor of how people are perceived, which can have significant effects on success.

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Father lying down with his two children and reading a book

Behold the Wonder of a Book Nook

by ParentCo.

A book nook can be fancy or simple, so long as it can transport you to the places in your book and escape real life for a little while.

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Drawing of hands doing knitting

When is "Good Enough" Better than Perfection?

by ParentCo.

Some people are perfectionists. I have never been accused of such a thing.

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Holding hands on a car's steering wheel

Love Is Sweatpants and Take-Out, Actually

by ParentCo.

I’ve recently made a commitment to look out for the little things – those things that happen on a daily basis that show me just what love is.

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A child standing on a table beside his father

6 Common Elements of Effective Discipline

by Sanya Pelini

Regardless of the method used, effective discipline methods share similar characteristics.

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Children coming inside house to hug mother

I’m Done Saying the Word “Busy” and You Should Be, Too.

by ParentCo.

By responding with the term “busy” I was pretty much summing up a pretty bleak and dreary experience. Let’s look at our days a bit differently.

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A person and a child touching head

One of the Easiest Ways to Teach Forgiveness

by Sherianna Boyle

Here is the thing I have learned about forgiveness. It isn’t a behavior, it is a feeling.

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holding hands

7 Ways to Resolve Parenting Disagreements With Your Partner

by ParentCo.

Instead of yelling and screaming, here are a few tips to help resolve issues smoothly the next time you find yourself in the middle of a heated discussion.

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A child spiled milk all over the floor

How to Help Kids Create a Culture of Personal Accountability

by Sanya Pelini

Personal accountability means teaching kids that actions have consequences.

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Father and child lying on a couch near the window

6 Ways to Turn Your Family Room Couch Into a Therapist's Couch

by Amy Barnes

Your family room couch can become a figurative therapist’s couch with these simple tips on reducing stress and anxiety in your kids. 

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Mother reading a book with her children, sitting on a chair, dog roaming around

If I Were Their Mother: Fairytale Edition

by ParentCo.

Long ago but not so far away, I was a little girl who loved a good fairy tale. But now I'm a mom, and seriously, have you ever read these!?

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Black and white image of a child playing with toy train

How Far is Too Far When Kid-Proofing Toys?

by ParentCo.

If we look more carefully at the history of dangerous toys, we might wish for a few more atomic energy labs and a few less fidget spinners.

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Cartoon of a girl sitting on dinosaurs head

7 Comics That Teach Kids Invaluable Life Lessons

by Crystal Ponti

If you’ve shied away from introducing your child to comic books, now is the time for a proper introduction.

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Finding Yourself Through Mom Friends

by Melissa Skolnick

My only chance at surviving these childhood years would come in the form of a cross-body-bag-wearing, sleep deprived, carrier of small humans: another mom.

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A person listening to music using earphone connected to mobile

How to Get Your Old iPhone Kid-Ready

by ParentCo.

Before you hand that old iPhone over to your kid (Woot, woot! UPGRADE!) get it set just right.

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A girl looking at DNA helix at exhibition

Why We Need to Actively Teach Girls to Value Their Intelligence

by ParentCo.

What causes girls to believe this stereotype that boys are innately smarter and how can we change that?

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A child sitting on a shoping cart and crying

A Realistic Way Look at How Judging Moms Defeats Us

by ParentCo.

Consider for a moment how mom-shaming affects all of us, even if we aren't the immediate perpetrators or victims of the shaming.

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Side view of a woman

You Don't Have to Ask Permission to Care For Yourself

by ParentCo.

I noticed that the questions are everywhere, like a reflex. Can I take a shower now? Can I practice yoga tonight?

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Collection of eyes

Could Your Sleep Issues Be Rubbing off on Your Kids?

by ParentCo.

A new study shows how a mother’s insomnia can impact her child’s sleep patterns as well. So what can we do when sleep just won't come?

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Drawing of a girl walking in a forest beside lake

Most Anticipated Kids' Books for Fall/Winter 2017

by ParentCo.

Here are some of the most anticipated books of fall/winter 2017 that are perfect for the young reader.

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How to Help Your Kids Cope With Natural Disasters

by ParentCo.

Believe it or not, helping your kids through a natural disaster starts long before the natural disaster strikes.

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