If Your Kid Loses Focus Easily, This Overlooked Reason Could be Why

by ParentCo.

If reading and writing overwhelms your elementary schooler, a functional eye exam could give some helpful answers.

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Six Moms You Should Keep Along for the Ride

by ParentCo.

Build a sisterhood of other mothers to help you navigate this crazy journey.

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4 Keys to a Successful Fishing Expedition With Kids

by ParentCo.

A family fishing trip can be a fantastic way to cultivate a passion for outdoor adventure in the lives of our children.

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She's Been Holding My Hand Again, Mom

by ParentCo.

She will be a teenager soon enough, and a woman after that, and maybe a mother or a wife too. But she's been holding my hand again.

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The Cost of Membership in the SAHM'S Club

by ParentCo.

When I didn’t race from the yard to get to work the circle of sisterhood (almost exclusively women) began to open up and accept me as one of their own.

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New Study Says Your Parents Should Be Asking to Babysit

by ParentCo.

A recent study suggests that grandparents who babysit are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s.

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Mother's Day Is Dead and Facebook Killed It

by ParentCo.

A subtle annoyance at our own fear that if we don’t use this platform to validate every kind of life a female chooses to have, we’re bad feminists.

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Raising a Highly Sensitive Kid in an Insensitive World

by ParentCo.

Sensitivity, though criticized, has incredible power.

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Why Do Moms Wage Wars From Behind a Computer Screen?

by ParentCo.

“Mommy wars” rage in the comments section of articles about everything parenting related. What happened to being in the trenches together?

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The Limitless(ish) Potential and Romance I Found at the Dollar Store

by ParentCo.

I have an unbridled love for Dollar Stores. Mostly because they represent possibility on the simplest level.

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Patience is a Virtue and Luckily Kids Can Learn to Have Some

by ParentCo.

A recent study suggests that interventions in early childhood can help teach kids to reduce impulsivity.

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How to Dial it Down When You Want to Rage-Quit Parenting

by ParentCo.

These seven steps only take 15 minutes and can help calm you down when feeling like you are going to blow up.

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man at mountain texting

Enhance Your Outdoor Adventures With These Cool Apps

by ParentCo.

Screentime and outdoor time doesn't have to be an either/or situation. These free, smart apps are the field guides of this generation.

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12 in 100 Parents Are Burned Out. Are You One of Them?

by ParentCo.

Your exhaustion, low sense of accomplishment, and even some emotional distancing from your children probably do not constitute "burnout."

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Finding Quiet While Spending My Days With a Chatterbox

by ParentCo.

My needs are at odds with what my son needs and as the day plods on, my insides feel like they’re ready to pop.

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Beating Forever Outside My Chest

by ParentCo.

Parenting a daughter with severe autism, there are days I feel like I’m going to break, and I wish I could be suspended in air.

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My Mom’s Genius Strategy for Making Mornings Insanely Easy 

by Pam Moore

I have no recollection of seeing my mom awake before eight in the morning. And we were totally fine.

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The Versatile Tool You'll Always Find in my Make-up Bag

by ParentCo.

My aim is to get out the door without looking like a disheveled banshee. If I'm strapped for time, I only need one tool for that: clear mascara.

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When Should a Parent Confront a Coach?

by ParentCo.

When a parent believes a coach is doing something legally or morally wrong, that’s when they need to step in.

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My First, Her Second, And All The Pressure

by ParentCo.

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How Research Is Destigmatizing Older Motherhood

by ParentCo.

Despite the stigma, older moms and their children may experience some benefits that only come with age.

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Because Teachers Deserve More Than One Week of Appreciation

by ParentCo.

Here are some ways we can appreciate teachers all the time, not just the first week in May.

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two boys standing arms crossed

The 95th Percentile: Tips for Parenting a Supersized Kid

by ParentCo.

Over the past four years, I’ve realized that parenting a supersized kid comes with its own set of challenges

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How to Foster Your Kid's Willingness to Forgive

by ParentCo.

Help kids learn the skill of forgiveness and take comfort knowing that you’re sending them into a happier future by doing so.

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