
What Can the US Learn From France When it Comes to ADHD?

by ParentCo.

The way France defines, treats, and prevents ADHD could shed light on how to better treat the condition here in America,

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Six Simple Ways to Be There for a Friend Who's Grieving

by ParentCo.

When a friend is grieving, our natural inclination is to offer comfort, but often we don’t know how. Here are six things you can do that help.

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What Factors Make Preschool Successful? A New Report is Zeroing In

by ParentCo.

Policymakers are turning their eyes to preschool as a way to help children get off to a strong start. But what makes those years successful?

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Knowing When Friendship Has Run its Course

by ParentCo.

I’ve always gone with my gut feeling and my gut was definitely telling me to let go.

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10 New Kid's Books Written by Celebrities

by ParentCo.

Kenny Loggins wrote a kid's book because why not?

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Studies Show Perhaps Video Games Aren’t Destroying Kids’ Brains After All

by ParentCo.

Several recent studies have explored how video games can enhance perception, attention, memory, and decision-making.

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4 Finance Lessons to Squeeze Out of Your Kid’s Lemonade Empire

by ParentCo.

Teach financial literacy through the time-honored tradition of the lemonade stand – tricked out and upgraded for the entrepreneur of the next generation.

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When Grand Gestures Give Way to the Everyday

by ParentCo.

Having kids threw big gestures out the window and then ran them over with strollers.

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On Quilting Circles and Cross Stitch: What Our Hands Remember

by ParentCo.

These quilts and crossed stitches will be more than just things. They will be the hymn, the song of praise for the women that have gone before us.

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10 Ways Tech Makes Life Easier for New Parents

by ParentCo.

Embrace the wealth of sanity-saving, stress-reducing resources that make parenting a little bit easier.

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My Kid Signed Up For the Science Fair and Learned All About Procrastination

by ParentCo.

We knew that this child would not complete this science fair project on his own in a timely manner. Yet we waited and watched.

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I'm Not the Mother I Want to Be, But That's Okay

by ParentCo.

I am not the sort of mother I thought I would be. I can hear the cry of "Haha! Nobody is," careening at me.

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Mother's Day Schedule: Time Stamped for Your Convenience

by ParentCo.

It’s Mother’s Day Eve and you’re brimming with excitement for your big day. The “put mom on a pedestal and compliment her until you’re blue” day.

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How to Listen Without Getting Defensive

by The Gottman Institute

Understanding your partner requires the capacity to listen. Really listen. Couples are advised to hear each other’s complaints without feeling attacked. As great as this sounds, it’s often unrealistic.

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Kid Made Recipe: Brunch Bread Bake

by ParentCo.

Don't let the name fool you. Not only is this brunch bread bake easy to pull together, it makes a great meal any time of day!

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A Shout Out to Moms From a Grown Up Son

by ParentCo.

Whenever I tell my mom that I love her, I feel like it comes across as routine, as if it is just the end of the sentence or a way to say goodbye.

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Full Confession: We Named Our Daughter After an $11 Bottle of Wine

by ParentCo.

My wife Liz and I spent 15 days trekking all over Italy in 2015. However, the real life-changing journey wound up being a Walgreens errand.

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You’re Still Somebody’s Kid: 5 Ways Parents Can Celebrate Their Mothers on Mother’s Day

by ParentCo.

We’re parents now. We’re grownups. We’ve got the bills, the jobs, the tired eyes that didn’t come from partying. But we’re still kids, too.

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Picture Books to Gift Graduates of All Ages

by ParentCo.

Dr. Seuss’ “Oh, The Places You’ll Go”, published in 1990, has been standard graduation reading for years. But there are plenty of others.

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From Kindergarten to High School – How to Prevent the Summer Slide

by ParentCo.

No matter their ages, there are endless creative ways to keep your children’s minds sharp during the summer.

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Are You Supposed to “Just Know” When Your Family's Complete?

by ParentCo.

Aren't mothers just supposed to “know” certain things? When our kids have fevers, when something's wrong at school, and if we should do it all over again?

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When a Pet Dies, How Can You Help Your Kids Say Goodbye?

by ParentCo.

It’s important to help our kids pay homage to their beloved pets as best we can when their time comes to say goodbye.

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Head Lice Happens: The Nine Lousy Circles of Hell

by ParentCo.

Forget Dante’s nine circles of hell. If you have kids in elementary school, you’ve already lived through worse: Head lice.

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8 Vintage Parenting Trends That Boggle the Mind

by ParentCo.

Every generation has their weird parenting trends. And thankfully, none of these stuck around too long.

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