Katelyn Denning
By This Author

7 Things You Can Do To Fight Overwhelm this Back-To-School Season
Whether you’re a seasoned parent or sending your child to kindergarten for the first time, the back-to-school season is a big transition for everyone, every year, no matter your age or grade. It’s...

To the Parent Sitting on the Sidelines Watching: Jump In!
It takes so much energy just to get everyone to the fun. But what if having fun yourself gives you that energy back? What would change if you jumped in?

Before You Plan any Summer Adventures with your Kids
If taking adventures and creating fun experiences for your family matters to you, it’s possible to make it work. You just might need to shift your perspective.

Breaking Up with my Tired Mom Identity
I’ll never forget the moment when I finally saw how others saw me: as an exhausted parent.

What To Do When Sleep Is Not an Option
When you're running a sleep deficit, you need a surplus in the other areas of your well-being to balance it out. Here are some ways to get through.