
by ParentCo. 11月17 、2023




Holiday seasons tend to be bleak for those who are away from loved ones. Show a member of our military just how grateful you are by downloading a coloring sheet from Colorasmile.org. It’s as simple as this: Pick a coloring sheet, print it on your home printer, color it, and mail it to the attached address. The colorings are collected and sent to troops around the world. This is a simple way to involve young children in extending kindness, and you don’t even have to leave home!


Many children across the globe don’t receive a single gift for Christmas. This is difficult to imagine in a culture of abundance. Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on opportunity to select gifts for a child, pack the gifts in a box, and send the box to a child whose life will be touched by your kindness. It’s surprisingly fun to fill a shoebox for a child in need, and it’s a great way to help our children shift their focus off of themselves and onto those who have far less.




Many communities organize winter coat drives throughout November and December. Simply save gently used coats, and when the coat drive begins, donate your used coat. Many children enter the winter season without a warm coat that fits. This is a powerful way to impact the life of a family. For more information on locating a coat drive near you or starting your own coat drive, visit One Warm Coat.


Many families in our communities struggle to put food on the table on a regular basis. Reach into the lives of those in need by donating to your local food bank. While it might feel like a lot of work to take your children shopping, let them select large amounts of food, and deliver it to the food bank, this hands-on lesson will make an impact in their lives and in the lives of others. For a list of food banks across the country, check out Feedingamerica.org.


フードバスケットや衣料品の寄付は、世界の私たちの地域の人々に手を差し伸べるのに役立つ方法だが、農業国の家族の生活に影響を与える最も強力な方法のひとつは、家畜を寄付することである。乳牛、ヤギ、またはニワトリの群れは、家族が食べたり売ったりするためのミルクや卵を生産することによって、食料と持続可能な収入の両方を提供することができる。 ハイファー・インターナショナル では、世界中の困っている家族のために、さまざまな動物を購入することができる。これはまた、さまざまな文化の違いについて子供たちに教える素晴らしい方法でもある。クリスマス時期で忙しくしている親にとって、新しい伝統をリストに加えることは、耐えられないほど大変なことのように感じるかもしれない。過去の伝統行事を、外側に焦点を当てたこれらの行事のひとつに置き換えてみてください。周囲のニーズに目を向けることの大切さを子供たちに教えることで、喜びが生まれることに驚くかもしれません。あなたの親切は、あなたが奉仕する人々に永続的な影響を与えるに違いなく、あなたもすぐに忘れることはないだろう。




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