young lady tossing her long hair

10 Parenting Tips Learned From My Time as a Stripper That You Need to Know

by ParentCo.

I know you may think it’s absolutely ridiculous to think that you could learn anything about parenting from a former stripper, but you would be wrong.

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a girl touching the mirror and lookingat her reflection

Finding Peace As A One-Child Family

by ParentCo.

In a world full of messages of the ‘only lonely,’ we can be made to feel we are somehow doing something wrong by making the decision to have an only child.

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How Mindfulness Increases the Compassion in Your Parenting

by ParentCo.

How do we create a more compassionate world for our children? We can start by practicing mindfulness and compassion in our own homes and relationships.

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small birthday cake with candle

A Call for a Birthday Party Revolution

by ParentCo.

I propose that we stop lavish kids' birthday parties. We can honor our growing little ones without going broke and without meltdown-inducing stimulation.

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Kid made chocolate

Kid Made Recipe: Peanut Butter Chocolate Tarts

by ParentCo.

Have a young baking enthusiast help you whip up two kinds of ganache and delight the peanut butter lovers in your house with these tasty tarts!

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excited boy with a quote 'all about me'

The Child YouTube Stars Your Kids Love

by ParentCo.

While many kid YouTubers are safe bets, there are some pros and cons about the entire enterprise.

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young boy wearing swimming googles and holding his breath underwater in apool

Finding Progress Through Rose-Colored Goggles

by ParentCo.

I want to parent with an open mind and heart, so of course I'm listening to my son's request for pink goggles.

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cute little girl looking up and holding her mother legs

5 Healthy Habits for a Time of Profound Anxiety

by ParentCo.

I had to figure out how to manage my stress around world events, so I could maintain healthy engagement, self-care, and my family focus.

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Breast Feeding Pump for baby feeding

The Etiquette of Milk Sharing

by ParentCo.

I’ve always been a breastfeeding advocate, it wasn’t until my freezer began to overflow with milk that I started to learn the ins-and-outs of long term milk donation.

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pregnant women support the stomach by hand and bright nature

Six Reasons You Should Consider A Doula

by ParentCo.

Doulas are non-medical birth coaches or guides that help women and their partners achieve the kinds of births and first weeks they desire.

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a baby standing

So You've Been Told You're Having a Giant Baby

by ParentCo.

So, you went to the ultrasound, laid on the table and gasped when the tech estimated you’d be having a baby in the nine-pound range. It's going to be ok.

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black spider with hairy legs

How I Overcame my Fear of Spiders

by ParentCo.

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Happy little child girl with colorful confetti on white background

How to Shut Down the "Good Job!" Broken Record

by ParentCo.

Praise only lasts as long as it is being given, and we often see that without it, kids are not motivated to do the things for which they were once praised.

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dna in egg cell

Parent Is a Verb – and We All Do It

by ParentCo.

Parent is a verb. I parent. You parent. We parent. Anyone can parent, and in fact, everyone does

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little girl blowing dandelion

On Bellies and Exhaling: The Lessons My Daughters Have Taught Me

by ParentCo.

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shadow of a girl with a crown and holding lollipop on a road

How Playing Into Your Kid’s Imagination Can Get Them To Do Anything You Want

by ParentCo.

Feeding into a kid's imagination fosters creativity – but it does more than that. You can use their imagination to get them to do almost anything you want.

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girl playing keyboard

According to Science, You Really Should Push Those Piano Lessons

by ParentCo.

There are evidence-based benefits of learning an instrument (and learning it early.)

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children teeth

Do Dentists Let Their Kids Eat Candy? That Depends.

by ParentCo.

There are no secret short-cuts to keeping cavities away. The basics of regular toothbrushing, flossing and eating healthy are still the gold standards for good oral health.

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two boys with young mother playing on the beach

The Emotional Undercurrents That Children Understand

by ParentCo.

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child giving the pet dog a bath

Debate Club: Should We Pay Kids for Chores?

by ParentCo.

Two Parent.Co writers face off about compensation for pitching in around the house.

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blond teenage girl staring at her reflection

"Your Judgement Made A Difference," Said No One Ever.

by ParentCo.

We focus on points of differentiation, creating distance, hostility, and loneliness in an already draining parenting culture.

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young women holding balloons

How Parenting and Politics Challenge My Inner-Introvert

by Ally Weinberg

After years of fighting my shyness, I thought I had come to a happy medium, but two new issues arose that challenged my inner introvert: Parenting and Politics.

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empty wine glass and a pregnant lady

Questioning Taboos: A Pregnant Economist Walks Into a Bar

by ParentCo.

If there's one question that should teach you to stop googling for parenting advice, it's "Can I drink while pregnant?"

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young mother and little girl going to kiss

10 Simple Ways to Build an Unbreakable Bond With Your Child

by ParentCo.

You’re likely already engaging with your child in activities that promote a strong parent-child relationship.

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