9 Important Survival Lessons Your Kids Will Learn From Watching The Goonies

by ParentCo.

Heyyyyy youuuu guyyyyyyys! Mikey and the crew of Goonies have a few things to teach our kids about surviving a crazy adventure.

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When Your Teen Breaks Up, Do You Have to As Well?

by Kimberly Yavorski

Does the demise of a teenage relationship have to take the friendship between parents with it?

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3 Ways to Foster Healthy Reading Habits in Young Children

by ParentCo.

These strategies, if instilled in children from an early age, give them a better chance at becoming interested readers.

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An Honest Look at the Evolution of Your Underwear Selection

by ParentCo.

Every journey into and through womanhood is accompanied by a common evolution of underwear choice.

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My Unexpected Love Affair With Zoloft

by ParentCo.

I knew depression couldn’t happen to me. Until, of course, I realized that it already had.

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With Kids, the Suburbs Suit Me Just Fine

by Julie Vick

I knew many people headed for the burbs after having kids, but I didn’t want to be one of them. But once I had a toddler, things became more difficult.

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Why Humility is The Key Function of Learning and Limitless Knowledge

by ParentCo.

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boy holding up his phone infront of his face

DEBATE CLUB: Should Your Grade-Schooler Have a Smartphone?

by ParentCo.

To cell phone or not to cell phone our elementary schoolers? Two moms give their differing opinions in our new column, "Debate Club."

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Setting Responsibilites Aside to Savor a Snuggle

by Jessica Wagner

Taking a break from the routine to slow down and appreciate the soft, quiet moments is often the best use of time in these short years.

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7 Ways My Dogs Are Helping Me Raise Better Humans

by ParentCo.

There are many lessons to be learned from the furry creatures we share our home with- love, kindness, understanding (and cleaning up poop) to name a few.

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On Gossip and Criticism: A Letter From Father to Son

by ParentCo.

It's not easy to opt out, but biting your tongue and not engaging in gossip and criticism is an important skill.

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What We Learned About Being Poor From Living in a Camper Van

by ParentCo.

It's no instagram-worthy #vanliving trek. But there's a lot to be learned from traveling around in an old, weathered Winebago.

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5 Flawed Assumptions People Make About Big Families

by ParentCo.

Five kids is a lot of kids. And while it may be something of a spectacle to see us in action, there are a few things to get straight.

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20 Things Teens Need to Know About How to be an Adult

by ParentCo.

By the time our kids have reached adulthood, they should be well equipped to go it alone. Hopefully they'll carry these 20 ideas with them.

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Your Criticism of Push Presents is Actually Internalized Misogyny

by Rebecca Lang

The enduring controversy behind the push present pits women against each other in a battle of guilt and shame, where there should be joy and celebration.

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Obesity Linked to Eight More Cancers

by ParentCo.

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Stress can Negatively Impact Conception

by ParentCo.

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Why a Bank Account is Better Than a Piggy Bank

by ParentCo.

Opening a bank account with your kids gets them on the fast track to understanding finances and managing money wisely.

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This is Why Moms Need Friends

by ParentCo.

Caring for small people often steals the energy we have for connecting socially with friends. But penciling in that time is essential.

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Research Shows Printed Books Are Better For Your Kids Than E-Books

by ParentCo.

While reading in any form is a highly important practice, research is beginning to show that not are created equal.

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6 New Mom “Musts” That I Didn't Need - And Neither Will You

by ParentCo.

You've got a lot on your plate in that first year of parenthood. There's no reason to add to it by doing things that aren't really necessary.

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Being in Your 30s is Pretty Great, Here's Why

by ParentCo.

Even when the previous decade was full of excitement and freedom, most of which is gone now, life in your 30s can still be pretty fantastic.

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Kids Being Kids is Not a Reflection of My Bad Parenting

by ParentCo.

Demonstrate how a rockin’ mom or dad does it. You hold your head up high and walk away from that uncomfortable situation with an “Oh well,” attitude.

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Remember When You Said You'd Never Have Kids?

by ParentCo.

A humorous and heartfelt essay exploring the many steps along the well-trod path to becoming a mother, from pregnancy to college graduation and beyond.

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