What is the Deal With The Heavy Backpacks...Good for Your Child?

by ParentCo.

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The Car Seat Logistics of Bringing Your Premature Baby Home

by ParentCo.

When your baby is born premature, there are a few extra car seat protocols most hospitals follow. Here's what you can expect.

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9 Things Every Teacher Wishes Parents Knew

by ParentCo.

Parents can be a teacher's biggest ally. Knowing these things can help make that possible.

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8 Books You'll Actually Enjoy Reading to Your Baby

by ParentCo.

Reading to kids from an early age is important. But not every book is a winner. Here are eight books that won’t make you dread storytime.

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7 Ways to Bond When You Don't Want to Play Pretend With Your Kids

by ParentCo.

Playing pretend requires parents to summon up energy that is sometimes non-existent. These alternatives are much less labor intensive.

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Anne-Marie Slaughter: Society is Free-Riding Off the Efforts of Lead Parents

by ParentCo.

An interview with Anne-Marie Slaughter, who says that the work of lead parents should be valued as an incredibly important investment in human capital.

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This is the Yoga Class Parents Actually Need

by ParentCo.

If the goal of yoga is to quiet your mind, some of us have a whole lot of work to do. Unless of course we just incorporate the chatter into class.

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Little Kids Feel Big Love, and It's Okay to Talk About It

by ParentCo.

Little hearts are training grounds for the big love that comes when they're more grown up. What's the harm in humoring their crushes?

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Those "Homework is Useless" Articles Are Lying to You

by Mark Oliver

The "no homework" revolution has recently gained serious momentum. However, homework can be a beneficial tool to support our kids' learning.

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A Night Owl's Guide to Raising an Early Bird

by Rebecca Lang

Kids wake at the crack of dawn ready to take the day on like gangbusters. You on the other hand, may barely survive.

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Odd Jobs: My Life as a Juggler and Father of Two

by ParentCo.

Jason Tardy, a dad, but also a traveling performing artist who specializes in high energy juggling and self-described "offbeat comedy."

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Rosie Pope on Successfully Managing a Business and a Big Family

by ParentCo.

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When Divorce is Beating You Down, Here's How to Fight Back

by ParentCo.

Divorce can be an ugly mess. But keeping these things in mind, you can navigate the road a little more easily.

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My Father's Mental Illness Made Me a Better Parent

by ParentCo.

Carrying the burden of a mentally ill parent need not define who we become. And it certainly doesn't dictate what sort of parent we'll be.

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The Internal Monologue of An Introvert Mom at a Kid's Birthday Party

by ParentCo.

For an introvert mom, an invitation to a child's birthday party often leads to anxiety-provoking anticipation of social awkwardness.

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All of the Angels Are Home Now

by ParentCo.

9/11. This is the day my child will call his birthday. This day, always and rightfully enshrouded by the collective grief of a whole nation.

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On Love, Loss, Tears, and Tea

by ParentCo.

The ritual of tea when the going gets tough has made a bond between mother and daughters unlike anything else.

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DIY: Rubber Band-Powered Tennis Ball Launcher

DIY: Rubber Band-Powered Tennis Ball Launcher

by ParentCo.

This is an awesome project for anyone with a drill, access to rubber bands, and a toddler who likes to see things go flying.

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6 Simple Tips That Will Get Your Kid Psyched to Make Dinner

by ParentCo.

Your kid doesn't want to help at meal time. What they want is to be in charge. You can let them.

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Could Baby Simulators be Backfiring?

by ParentCo.

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Connection Found Between Early Language Skills and Depression

by ParentCo.

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Teen Pregnancy Down to Record Lows Thanks To Social Media?

by ParentCo.

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Clown Industry In Serious Jeopardy Due to Bad Clowns

by ParentCo.

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Rediscovering the Simple, Timeless Message of Winnie-the-Pooh

by ParentCo.

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