It's up to Us to Turn the Tide of Entitled Kids

by Laura Richards

Kids become entitled when they've been given everything with little asked in return. Teach them that you don’t get ahead by being served, but by serving.

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How I Bumbled Through the First Months of Fatherhood

by ParentCo.

My first emotions were fear, joy, terror, wonder, shock, excitement and panic when first I learned I was going to be a father.

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9 Caddyshack Quotes I Use Everyday as a Dad

by ParentCo.

Parenting is such a roller coaster ride. There are times when we need to be serious, times when I need to teach my boys, and a time to laugh.

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4 Lessons My Incorrigible Dog Taught Me About Parenting

by ParentCo.

What I learned from Diego, a willful Rhodesian ridgeback mix, laid the foundation for my next 12 years of parenting.

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The Bad Handwriting Is On the Wall    

by ParentCo.

Some people call me Visa or Lira or Lina. My name isn't difficult to pronounce; my handwriting is impossible to read.

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5 (Possibly Useless) Tips for Moms Returning to (Paid) Work

by ParentCo.

The kids have to do the laundry now. Be prepared for this to be a complete disaster because you forgot to teach the kids how to do the laundry.

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Your Busy Schedule May Help Keep Your Memory Sharp as You Age

by ParentCo.

All that hustling may translate into superior brain power as you get older, as a study finds that the busiest people perform best on cognitive tests.

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Burden of Student Loans Linked to Lower Net Worth After College

by ParentCo.

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Do We Need a Community in Order to Truly Feel Joy?

by ParentCo.

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.

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Watch the "What's Your Watermark" Video

by ParentCo.

The "What’s Your Watermark?" film is inspired by a desire to educate people about water issues, and to challenge them to make positive change.

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Sometimes Attachment Parenting Fails, and That's Okay

by ParentCo.

Since becoming a mother two years ago, I have been haunted by the notion of attachment parenting.

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5 Things To Do If Your Child Is Struggling

by ParentCo.

Whether your child’s struggle is temporary or longer lasting, the truth is that struggle is a part of life. It's how we all grow and mature.

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Letting Go of Trying to Do It All - and Getting so Much in Return

by ParentCo.

One day, I just looked at the cards I was dealt and said to myself, "So what if the house gets messy? So what if you have to hire a babysitter?

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4 Ways Millennial Parents are Raising a Generation of Great Leaders

by Angela Pruess

Many of the qualities millennial parents are imparting to their children are contributing to the creation of a generation of great leaders.

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Study finds that social media use is significantly associated with increased depression

by ParentCo.

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What Empathetic Parents Know About Tears

by ParentCo.

Sometimes the best way to be there for our children is to give them the freedom to cry.

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The Ones We Wanted to Stay

by ParentCo.

We can do this, all of us who’ve lost the ones we wanted so badly to stay. We can keep them alive, we can introduce them to our children, we can carry them in our stories.

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Is ADHD a Gift or a Curse?

by ParentCo.

No sugarcoating here: ADHD is a burden. It can also come with potential upsides. Could seeing it as a gift (even if it isn't) produce better life outcomes?

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8 New Tina Fey-Inspired Words For Your Parenting Dictionary

by ParentCo.

Oversharenting, Dad-bod, manny, mommy-jacking- it seems like everyday, someone is creating a new word for parents to add to their lexicon. I have no use for any of them - so I invented my own.

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Mispronouncing a Student's Last Name Can Have a Big Impact

by ParentCo.

Effort is the biggest obstacle to learning how to correctly pronounce a person’s name; teachers have to want to do it.

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Are Your Kids Gluten-Free? Read This.

by ParentCo.

If parents need or want a diet free of gluten, that is their choice. But there are significant reasons to think twice before imposing it on kids.

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3-year study: the relationship between spouses suffers once they have kids

by ParentCo.

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Friend or Parent When Talking to Kids About Addiction?

by ParentCo.

When talking to kids about substance abuse, many parents wonder if they should play the role of friend or parent. This video unravels this fine line.

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Turning Your Child’s Negatives Into Powerful Positives

by Jessica Graham

Each of us has parts of our characters that aren't desirable. That’s true for kids too, who are grown-ups in progress. But flaws can be polished into gems.

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