young girl on playground

A Reflection on Withheld High-Fives

by Dolores Smyth

Was I the type of person who lived life instantly high-fiving everyone who got something I wanted, unbegrudged? No, I was not. So why expect my kid to be?

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kid dipping his feet into a swimming pool

My Kids Loved Summer Camp. This Is Why I Made Them Quit.

by Pam Moore

While the ACA accreditation is a valuable credential, it is no replacement for doing your homework about the camps you enroll your kids in.

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small boy with mother and grandmother

Why Are Parents Eschewing Grandparental Advice?

by ParentCo.

When it comes to turning to our own parents for help – especially with parenting – many of us are reluctant.

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Why Traveling With Kids Is More Awesome Than You Might Think

by ParentCo.

We travel. A lot. With our kids. Because new experiences are the best thing we can give them in this limited amount of time we have with them.

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finger pointing  to nose

Turns Out Your Kid Can Pick Their Nose and Eat It, Too

by ParentCo.

I did what every parent does in this situation. Googled. Apparently everyone wants to know how to stop kids from picking, but no one knows how.

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mother holding a young boy holding a toy

My Shared Love of the Garbage Truck: A Story of Osmosis

by ParentCo.

I’m a 32-year-old woman who's never had any interest in motor vehicles of any kind, who doesn’t even own a car. But now I’m excited about the garbage truck.

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winter portrait of a young boy with red beanie and sweater

Mindful Parenting: How to Respond Instead of React

by Jill Ceder

If we choose to be more mindful by pausing before responding, we can teach kids they too can pause and choose to respond instead of react.

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hands covering face crying woman

The Postpartum Abyss We Can’t Talk About

by Laura Young

It was early May when the putrid water of postpartum depression first lapped at my feet. Now, every single morning that I wake my coping mechanisms kick in.

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multitasking woman

My High Expectations Are Killing My Marriage

by ParentCo.

Perhaps my marriage isn't dying per se, but the high expectations that I have placed upon my spouse are definitely not helping matters around here.

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Little boy playing video game

The Day My Son Hung out With Hitlr

by ParentCo.

Kids and those posing as kids have an anonymous space to spew hatred. They also have an arena for recruitment.

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young toddler boy in swimming pool

The 5 Types of Toddlers Who Take Swimming Lessons With My Daughter

by ParentCo.

Here we are at the weekly swim lesson and I'm just grateful I can witness this from the comfort of the sidelines.

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sketch of a Flower bouquet

8 Instructional Art Books for Your Aspiring Picasso

by ParentCo.

If your child loves to draw or paint, consider arming them with a supply of how-to books and take their early tinkering to a whole new level.

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tired young woman

Why the Language We Use to Discuss Postpartum Life Isn't Working

by ParentCo.

My dreams of feeling better after pregnancy and nursing were replaced with a physical and mental battle that pushed me to the limit.

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pottering with kid

How to Overcome 6 Things That Block Your Path to Success

by ParentCo.

In 1897, Santiago Ramon y Cajal, "the father of neuroscience" outlined six “diseases of the will” that he claimed held talented people back.

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toddler in a bed sheet printed with binary digits

How Big Data Might Stop Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

by ParentCo.

A computer algorithm that can look at dozens of factors may help illuminate what factors cause SIDS.

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busy woman cooking in kitchen

Stay at Home Alone Mom

by ParentCo.

Until now I always had someone with me. Now that they are both off to school for the first time, I truly don’t know who I am.

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Young lady using phone

The Only Back-to-School Cell Phone Rules Your Kids Really Need

by ParentCo.

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Little boy awake in bed 

The Time-Out Alternative That May Be More Effective

by Sanya Pelini

The self-quieting approach has long been presented as a powerful alternative to punishment and time-out.

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How to Raise an Optimistic Human in a Pessimistic World

by ParentCo.

Even though media and technology seem to be the cause of our collective pessimism, they're also essential for overcoming it.

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Children putting their hands one on top of other

Why Colorblind Isn't the Goal When Teaching Kids About Diversity

by ParentCo.

As uncomfortable as the subject is, in today’s “us” versus “them” culture, parents need to engage kids in age-appropriate conversations about diversity.

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young woman covering her mouth with her hands

How You Can Wholly Support Someone Who’s Infertile or Has Experienced Pregnancy Loss

by ParentCo.

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Young male covering his face with hands

4 Things You Think During Your Six-Week-Old Baby's Unexpected Hospital Stay

by ParentCo.

When you're sitting in the ER waiting on your baby's test results, your mind becomes a dangerous thing.

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corn fritters kid made

Kid Made Recipe: Cheddar Corn Fritters

by ParentCo.

These fritters are quick, delicious, and ready for all kinds of toppings. We like sour cream and avocado, but try salsa, chives, hot sauce, jalapeños, etc.!

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young mother playing with her kid

5 Ways Parenting Evolves When Your Kid Becomes a Tween

by ParentCo.

As my daughter evolves and grows, my parenting must do the same.

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