little girl sick in bed with thermometer in mouth

Why You Should Read About Febrile Seizures Before Your Child Has One

by ParentCo.

As many as one in 20 kids will have at least one febrile seizure. It's a terrifying few minutes, but knowing the facts can help.

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Pregnant woman eating fruits while sitting on bed

Finished "The Handmaid's Tale"? Try These Other Dystopian Novels With Something to Say About Motherhood

by ParentCo.

These brilliant novels, which tackle the topics of maternity and parenting, are must reads for any sci-fi geek.

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young girl smiling

Why Building Self-Esteem Can Help Reduce Our Kids' Anxiety

by ParentCo.

We hear about self-esteem so much during the teenage years, but building a healthy self-esteem begins much earlier in a child’s life.

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woman laying on a grass field covering her face with hands

7 Poets for a Little Midsummer Perspective on Parenting

by ParentCo.

If you’re feeling stuck in a summer slump, swap out your steamy beach reads get lost in a little poetry.

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father tickling daughter

Lessons on Being in the Here and Now Often Come From Our Kids

by ParentCo.

It’s easy to cast ourselves as teachers, with our kids as the students, so it’s pretty humbling to realize that it’s a dialogue.

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girl lying on colorful hammock at the garden looking at camera

5 Practices for Raising a Metacognitive Kid

by ParentCo.

If Descartes was right and thinking makes us human, then here are five ways you can help your kids practice their humanity.

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lady holding box of fresh vegetables

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Farm Shares but Were Too Afraid to Ask

by Pam Moore

Community Supported Agriculture – or CSA – allows farmers to sell directly to the consumer. Could purchasing a share be a good fit for your family?

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young mother is holding a newborn boy in her arms while putting laundry into the washing machine

Why Multitasking Isn't Your Most Productive Strategy

by ParentCo.

Multitasking is linked to time management skills. With that in mind, here are five ways you can end your multitasking ways and boost productivity.

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girl lying on colorful hammock at the garden reading book

21 Simple Ways to Indulge Yourself Even When Time is Limited

by ParentCo.

Even though there are piles of laundry to tend to, and ice cream to scoop, there’s still time for you. Choose to carve it out, you deserve it.

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disorganised kids bedroom

5 Books to Teach Curious Kids About Coding

by ParentCo.

If your kids are showing interest in all things tech, teaching them the language of computers is a valuable investment. These books are a great start.

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little boy with hands on face sitting on steps and smiling

Five Ways to Smooth Transitions for the Whole Family

by ParentCo.

Looking deeper and changing how we approach transitions is essential for everyone's wellbeing.    

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big brother bottle feeding little brother

Nine Things Any Mom Who Just Had Her Second Baby Can Relate To

by ParentCo.

If you’re a mom who's just had her second baby, I’m more than certain you can relate to everything on the list below.   

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young mother and son looking at camera

I Still Shower Every Day, and 5 Other Things Becoming a Mother Hasn't Changed

by ParentCo.

If you're worried everything changes after you have a baby, don't stress. You're still you.

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wine glass cheers

How to Respond to an Adults-Only Wedding Invitation

by ParentCo.

When faced with the stark reality that your friend/family/acquaintance has publicly decried a youth presence at her wedding, you can react one of four ways.

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mother holding new born baby

When Saving for the Future, Don’t Forget the Cord Blood

by ParentCo.

What is cord blood and why is it important? Let's answer some of the most common questions about the potentially life-saving practice of cord blood banking.

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There’s a Bear in There – Tales from the Wild

by ParentCo.

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little girl with guitar

Kiddie Pool Digest: Kid Concert

by ParentCo.

When the kids are little, the music has to come to you. So, put the music in their hands and throw the most epic backyard concert you can imagine.

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little girl cupping her fathers face

6 Simple Ways to Dial Down the Yelling in Your Household

by Sanya Pelini

Parenting without yelling can feel like a Herculean task, especially when it seems to be the only foolproof way to get kids’ attention. But it's possible.

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breakfast cereals

If Your Kid Has to Swallow Pills, This Brilliant Hack Can Help

by ParentCo.

If your child's medication is available in pill form, the daily battle can end. Even preschoolers can learn to swallow pills with very little training.

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boy with blue eyes blowing nose to tissue

Why Raising Kids Diminishes Our Sense of Disgust, Scientifically Speaking

by ParentCo.

Disgust is a natural reaction, and evolutionarily necessary to keep us away from disease and tainted food. Why does it sort of diminish when we have kids?

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young boys with fish net in their hand.

Why You Should Teach Kids to Be Naturalists

by ParentCo.

Giving our kids a naturalist’s education can be a powerful way to develop science and language skills, and a deeper connection to the world around them.

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man opening the oven and looking inside

Learning to Properly Season Your Meats Leads to a Healthy Marriage

by Matthew Koehler

Marriage is both the short answer and the process by which I traveled to a more respectable place in the kitchen.

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teenager reading a book

These 8 Books Can Help Your Teen Choose a Career

by ParentCo.

You can help guide your teen to a career path by exploring their interests and aptitudes with them. These books can supplement that as well.

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children harvesting organic sweet potato on the field

Why You Should Consider Raising Kids Abroad

by ParentCo.

Like thousands of other expats with well-balanced, confident, kind, bilingual, and fairly fearless kids we believe in the advantages of raising kids abroad.

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