People lying on grass

The Danish Practice That Will Up Your Family's Happiness Factor

by ParentCo.

Denmark consistently ranks in the top three for happiest countries in the world. The term they associate with this phenomenon is hygge.

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Friends travelling on  a car

The Modern Mom’s Guide to Popularity (Beginner’s Edition)

by ParentCo.

Popularity, by its own definition, is an elusive, fickle, and fleeting condition attained by few and sought by all. Even moms. Perhaps, especially moms.

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Ten Years and Holding: How I’m Resisting Marital Stagnation

by ParentCo.

My most current (recurrent) marital complaint has been a lack of full-fledged effort.

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hair coming out of head of a child

5 Ways to Shield Your Kids From Your Anxiety

by Sanya Pelini

The more anxious you are, the more likely your children are to suffer from anxiety-related disorders.

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making iceream on cone

Why Your Kid's First Job is Worth More Than the Paycheck

by ParentCo.

Who doesn't have a great "first job" story?

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A girl wearing earphone and using phone

3 Reasons to Stop Demonizing Our Teens Use of Screens

by ParentCo.

Parenting teenagers can be hard, especially when they are dealing with stuff that wasn’t even invented in our own teenagehood.

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A lady's eyes opened , hands on chin

Uh oh. Did I Kill My Son’s Hamster?

by ParentCo.

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People using phones

Will Technology Make My Kid Fat, Dumb, and Mean?

by ParentCo.

The truth is more complicated -- and a lot less scary.

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Asteriods on the sky

Waking up for Wonder — The Night My Boys Will Always Remember

by ParentCo.

Dragging blankets to the basketball court in the middle of the night waiting for meteors to fall, was well worth staying up for.

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Kid made grains

Kid Made Recipe: Lettuce Wrap Tacos

by ParentCo.

Start with a base of meat or beans, then fill these tasty romaine taco wraps with all of your favorite fillings  and taco night will never be the same!

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Movie scene : person pulling hand of a character

Nobody Warned Me About the Gun: The Discussion We're Not Having About 'Beauty and the Beast'

by ParentCo.

The Disney movie of 2017 is a whole different beast than the Disney movie of 1991.

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Couples facing each other

How a Vulture Saved My Marriage

by ParentCo.

I’d promised myself I’d never have this fight again, and yet there I was – tired, exasperated, and tempted to give up.

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Hand opening a door

A Letter from a Family Therapist to Future Clients

by Krissy Dieruf

I am not afraid of the mess. So bring it all to me and we will find a way to sort it out together.

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Baby milk feeding

8 Things to Know About Breastfeeding a Tongue-tied Baby

by ParentCo.

You're both going to need some help.

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From window view, children sleeping on cars seat

10 Best Road-Tripping Car Games You’ve Never Played

by ParentCo.

Because those hours have to pass somehow.

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7 on cup cake

Until He's Eight, Seven is the Best Age

by ParentCo.

At seven, we realize that we must let them grow up, much sooner than we’d like.

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mother and daughter in the kitchen

A Simple Letter to Say "Thanks, Mom"

by ParentCo.

The best thing I could do would be to give you my thanks and appreciation for helping me find my way in this world. So here goes.

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Piggy bank wearing spectacle

What You Can Do Now to Pave Your Kids' Path to College

by ParentCo.

And no, it doesn't involve winning the lottery.

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Girl eating candy lolipop

Harnessing the Power of Yes (in a Jar)

by ParentCo.

Think about how many intentionally, or unintentionally, negative things you say to your kids daily. Are you offering six affirmations to counterbalance that?

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girl playing with baloons and minature toys

The Future of Science Needs Our Daughters' Perspectives

by ParentCo.

There are surprising benefits to giving a girl an extra push into STEM – and it starts at home.

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Father reading a novel in bed , child laughing and lying on bed

When Time With Your Kids is Quality Over Quantity, Do This

by Sanya Pelini

Whether you're busy, divorced, distracted, or all three, there are still ways to make quality time with your kid.

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Clouds drawing on a kid

Don't Let My Kid Fool You, She's No Perfect Angel

by ParentCo.

Have I noticed how well they share with others? I never have any words. I don’t because I can’t even force an answer.

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Drawing of pigs making food in a kitchen

Peppa Pig Is A Little Fat Shamer

by Fiona Tapp

I am putting my foot down and daddy pig, you should too.

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A robot wear, VR

Why Self-Directed Learning is the Kind That Shines

by Sanya Pelini

Jimi Hendrix didn't spend hours shredding the guitar because his parents made him.

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