mom in bed with sick child

How to Keep Kids Healthy This Cold & Flu Season

by Dr. Jeff Andrews

As we head into the upcoming cold and flu season, parents should be mindful of the following best practices to keep their families safe and healthy.

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baby wrapped in a swaddle blanket

The Pros and Cons of Swaddling

by Charlie Fletcher

If you’re a new parent wondering if swaddling is right for your baby, you’ve come to the right place. Here are tips for doing it safely should you give it a try.

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young girl with horse

The Surprising Way Horses Benefit Kids' Emotional and Social Skills

by ParentCo.

Kids can enjoy so many benefits from being with horses, from confidence and a sense of self-efficacy to assertive and emotional communication skills.

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boy playing with building blocks

22 Ways to Keep a Preschooler Busy Other Than Watching TV

by ParentCo.

Parking a preschooler in front of a screen is a fast and easy path to entertainment. But there are plenty of other ways to keep them busy. Here are 22 to start with.

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baby feet

Why We’re Choosing to Have Our Baby in Mexico

by Danielle E. Owen

We were (pleasantly) surprised by those two little lines, but we had no clue what we were going to do. Here's how we decided where we were going to have our baby.

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young family

From the NICU to Entrepreneurship: bökee’s Lauren and Brandon Stuart

by Hannah Howard

Any parent knows you need more hands; the bökee gives caregivers that. It lets them hold/bounce/dance a baby while preparing a bottle. Simple but revolutionary.

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Registry 101: Tips and Tricks for Creating Your Baby Registry

Registry 101: Tips and Tricks for Creating Your Baby Registry

by Caitlen Patton Smith

Most expecting parents agree that creating a baby registry is an important, yet overwhelming, part of the planning process. Here's where to start.

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baby going through drawer

Top Things To Consider When Babyproofing Your Home

by ParentCo.

It’s perhaps the most magical, exciting, and terrifying time of your life. You’re bringing a new baby into your home. That means providing the happiest, healthiest, and safest environment for your little one to grow up in.

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Hands splashing on water

5 Sensory Experiences to Enhance Learning & Benefit Any Kid

by ParentCo.

Sensory experiences can help increase focus and concentration and calm anxiety and hyperactivity in all kids- not just those with special needs.

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baby walking

11 Ways to Foster Independence in your Kids

by ParentCo.

As children grow, parents can foster independence by allowing children to make choices, learn from them, make course corrections, and even experience failure.

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How to Prepare your Toddler for a Parent’s Trip Away

How to Prepare your Toddler for a Parent’s Trip Away

by Yelena Shuster

Before you spend weeks creating endless to-do lists to help your toddler while you’re away, take a step back and prep yourself first. Here's a simple guide.

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family taking a selfie

10 Reasons You Should Take a Summer Road Trip with Your Kids

by ParentCo.

2,100 miles in an automobile with two kids might sound like a nightmare. But with a hearty sense of adventure (and humor) it could be the best trip ever.

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child playing play musical instrument

4 Ways to Introduce Your Kids to Classical Music

by ParentCo.

Research suggests that classical music can have positive effects for children, including memory development, creativity, and self-expression. Plus, it's fun!

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women holding pride flag

4 Ways to Support Your LGBTQ Teen

by ParentCo.

As parents, we have to be ready to have all sorts of big conversations. When it comes to coming out, there are a few simple things to remember.

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electronic waste drawing illustration

How to Help Your Child Build and Maintain a Positive Digital Identity

by ParentCo.

As a parent in the millennial age, understanding our digital identities is crucial. What can we do to teach our kids to navigate this complex digital world?

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smiling girl beside dollhouse

Harnessing the Power of Play, Even if I Have to Steal it From my Kids

by ParentCo.

When adults play they are able to let go of daily stresses and be present in the moment, if only briefly. Playing with our kids can be excellent medicine.

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girl listening to music

Songs for snuggling and singing and falling asleep

by ParentCo.

For the past nine plus years, I've sung this song nearly every night. I suppose I had an average affinity for it as a child.

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 little boy playing with colorful modeling clay

Raising a Financially Savvy Kid

by Angela Pruess

These are some straightforward ways parents can take the ‘money bull’ by the horns and help their children start out on solid monetary ground.

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Pregnant lady in a poster

How to Help Prevent the 3 Leading Causes of Accidental Death for Infants and Preschoolers

by Stephen Bradshaw

According to the Centers for Disease Control, these are the leading causes of death for infants and preschoolers. Awareness is key

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man stopping cars and allowing ducks to cross

Plan Your Next Family Vacation: Real-World Places From Your Child's Favorite Books

by ParentCo.

Give your child an opportunity to live “inside” their favorite books with a trip to one of the real-world locations of their favorite stories.

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woman drinking wine

10 Breweries and Wineries to Visit With Kids in Tow

by ParentCo.

Breweries around the country are becoming recognized for their family-friendly features and vibe. Weekend plans, anyone?

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man vacumming

How to Get Your Husband to Help (Written by a Helping Husband)

by ParentCo.

Most moms are inundated with far more than their husbands. Knowing how to ask them for help is the key to balancing the workload.

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baby formula unstocked in supermarket

Four Simple Ways to Help During the Baby Formula Shortage

by Julie Garwood

Here are four practical, simple ways we can all help with the baby formula shortage in our community.

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pregnant women on a bed in the hospital room

Jailbreak From Maximum Security Infant Birthing Center (Sort of)

by ParentCo.

The wife, the kid, and I just got done doing a nickel at the Memorial Hermann Maximum Security Infant Birthing Center.

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