baby in a car seat

How to Cope When Your Baby Totally Hates the Car

by ParentCo.

The following tricks can help you to find a solution for the pain and trauma of car rides.

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Baby holding hand

6 Incredible Superpowers You Didn't Know Your Baby Has

by ParentCo.

Newborn babies might look like the most helpless things on the planet but they can do some things you’d never believe.

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giril eating vegetables at the beach

5 Ways to Make Family Adventures with Little Kids (a Little Bit) Easier

by Hannah Howard

Figuring out schedules and logistics for even a small trip can be a momentous task when you have little kids. Here are some ways make the process (a little) easier.

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Aunt and her nephews enjoying family picnic stock photo

10 Tricks for Making Family Potlucks Fun and Delicious

by ParentCo.

Does the word "potluck" conjure images of weird 70s-style casseroles? Potlucks have changed. Here's how to do it right - so it's low stress and plenty fun.

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hayley zorzi

ParentCo. Designer and Entrepreneur Hayley Zorzi on the Tango of Parenting and Success

by Hannah Howard

Hayley Zorzi sees her roles as mom, wife, designer, and business owner as enhancing each other. The overwhelm can be real, but so is the joy.

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mom and child touching forehead

3 Ideas Parents Can Steal From Entrepreneurs

by ParentCo.

Can lessons from brilliant entrepreneurial minds carry over into parenthood? Of course they can.

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grandmother and daughter looking at a baby

A New Grandmother Finds Her Seat at The Changing Table

by Andi Polllinger

Soon my son was going to be a father and I wondered what it would mean for our relationship. Would he still need me? How would I be a part of his child's life?

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kids at a birthday party

19 Gifts That Will Make the Future Better For Your Kids

by ParentCo.

In recent years the toy industry has gone into gender specific toy marketing overdrive. These great gift ideas defy the stereotypes.

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Debra Raney, the founder of Little Muffincakes

Little Muffincakes’ Debra Raney Fosters Self-Esteem from Birth for Diverse Kids

by Hannah Howard

Little Muffincakes' founder Debra Raney didn’t plan to be an entrepreneur. She provides high-quality products that reflect the diversity and beauty in children.

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dinner with family

How to Arm Yourself to Go out to Dinner With Kids Without a Screen

by ParentCo.

From better family connection to simply teaching your children important social skills, there are many compelling benefits to a device free dinner.

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two girls playing

How to Design a Play Space that Inspires Curiosity

by Parent Co

In the words of Fred Rogers, “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning.

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siblings sitting on a couch and looking at a computer

Black Heroes to Introduce Your Kids To

by Allyson Stone

One of the best ways that we can empower Black people is continuing to share their accomplishments, achievements, trials and tribulations, victories, and their contributions.

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shot of a family taking a selfie during a christmas party

6 Tips for Taking Better Holiday Photos With Your iPhone

by ParentCo.

With a few simple tricks, your smartphone can take holiday family photos that you'll treasure for decades.

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boy playing with building blocks

22 Ways to Keep a Preschooler Busy Other Than Watching TV

by ParentCo.

Parking a preschooler in front of a screen is a fast and easy path to entertainment. But there are plenty of other ways to keep them busy. Here are 22 to start with.

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young family

From the NICU to Entrepreneurship: bökee’s Lauren and Brandon Stuart

by Hannah Howard

Any parent knows you need more hands; the bökee gives caregivers that. It lets them hold/bounce/dance a baby while preparing a bottle. Simple but revolutionary.

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man stopping cars and allowing ducks to cross

Plan Your Next Family Vacation: Real-World Places From Your Child's Favorite Books

by ParentCo.

Give your child an opportunity to live “inside” their favorite books with a trip to one of the real-world locations of their favorite stories.

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a grandmother drying her grandson

To Fight Ageism, Start with Calling your Grandma

by ParentCo.

Many elderly people in the American community feel neglected. Making a change starts with the way we treat our grandparents.

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girl reading with stuffed animal

9 Inspiring Books to Celebrate Earth Day with your Kids

by ParentCo.

Happy reading—and planting, recycling, conserving, and more—on Earth Day and every day. 

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woman with two kids and laptop

Moms Explore Work-Life Balance (Hint: There Is No Such Thing)

by Hannah Howard

I feel lucky and overwhelmed every day. Here are tips & wisdom from women in the trenches, showing up with integrity, strength, and grace to work and mom life.

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sleeping baby with stuffed animal

5 Essentials you Won’t Find on a Baby Registry

by Ashley Blankenship

Products will never replace the skills required to successfully care for your children and yourself. These five essential skills will take you far. 

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mom reading to kid

12 Books You Won't Be Able to Read With Your Kid Without Crying

by Pam Moore

While these make great bedtime stories, you may want to cram a tissue up your sleeve, grandma style for those guaranteed sniffles.

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young boy and girl cooking

Got Leftover Easter Ham? Try This Recipe.

by ParentCo.

Skip the ham sandwiches and make this mouthwatering, warm and crusty take on the classic diner Monte Cristo sandwich.

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young girl hold fortune cookies

Celebrating My Family's Chinese-American New Year

by ParentCo.

Chinese New Year is a time of great celebration. It’s also a time when American Chinese families face the challenge of holding onto traditions as time passes from one generation to the next.

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Why Sugar Coating the History of Slavery Is a Bad Idea If We Want to Empower Our Kids

by ParentCo.

If our kids don’t know what happened in the past, how will they ever work towards a better future and ensure that we never go back to those dark times?

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